20 Febbraio 2025 13:04:03
Notizie: VOLONTARI CERCASI — Nuova Guida di localizzazione per Mozilla Italia
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If you monitor your Firefox installation (or portable copy) closely, you may have noticed a new system add-on called Web Compat since version 49.x.System add-ons are similar to add-ons that you install. The main difference is that they are not installed by the user but ship with Firefox or are pushed to Firefox when the need arises
Mozilla Firefox 49.0 was released on September 20, 2016. The release of the browser was postponed by a week due to two bugs in the previous version that required more fixing time.
Mozilla plans to postpone the release of Firefox 49, the next stable version of the web browser, by a week to fix two so-called blocker bugs.
The Firefox Release Schedule overview offers information about past, present and future releases of the Mozilla Firefox web browser.
https://chuttenblog.wordpress.com/2016/10/28/firefox-windows-xp-exit-plan/Firefox will (pending approval) be ending support for Windows XP and Windows Vista in Firefox 53 (scheduled release date: April 18, 2017).
As one user asked on Mozilla’s the mozilla.dev.platform Google Group, “Can anyone point to a real website using the Battery API for a legitimate purpose?”The answer for Mozilla seems to have been “no”, or at least “not enough”, and as of version 52, its Firefox browser will be saying good riddance to the Battery Status API.
Thanks to some recent improvements by Kris Maglione, add-ons built with Firefox’s add-ons SDK are now much faster to start up and shut down. For users with multiple add-ons installed, this can make a large difference. For example, one user reported the following.
Firefox Zero-Day Exploit to Unmask Tor Users Released OnlineTuesday, November 29, 2016 Swati Khandelwal
If you use Firefox, we recommend you temporarily switch browsers to Chrome, Safari or a non-firefox based browser that is secure until the Firefox dev team can release an update.
Currently it exploits Windows systems with a high success rate and affects Firefox versions 41 to 50 and the current version of the Tor Browser Bundle which contains Firefox 45 ESR.
The vulnerability allows an attacker to execute code on your Windows workstation. The exploit is in the wild, meaning it’s now public and every hacker on the planet has access to it. There is no fix at the time of this writing.
È stata scoperta la presenza di una grave vulnerabilità nel browser Mozilla Firefox che potrebbe consentire l'esecuzione di codice dannoso sul sistema degli utenti e "deanonimizzare" coloro che utilizzano la rete Tor.Com'è noto, infatti, il pacchetto Tor Browser è basato proprio su Firefox e, in particolare, sulla versione 45 ESR del browser web di Mozilla: Navigazione anonima, ecco come fare.