18 Gennaio 2025 01:53:25
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Verbatim upgrade postmortem1 post di 1 autore Milos Dinic 13:58 (7 minuti fa)Traduci messaggio in italiano Hello folks,As most of you already know, we've recently upgraded ourVerbatim(localize.mozilla.org) to Pootle 2.5.0 in order to bring you newgoods and eliminate known bugs(ie. some locales stopped working with VCSat some points for SUMO and AMO projects, for no known reason). As itgoes with software, we've come up with a bunch of serious errors andhave been working really hard to eliminate them.Some people couldn't register, some projects had errors with somelocales, Verbatim thrown errors when trying to update from VCS, SUMOproject didn't actually work for any of the locales, and so on. I'mhappy to say that after 3 weeks of working on it, we can say weeliminated most of those and everything should be functioning properlynow. That said, if you come to an error, please file a bug or let meknow so that I can do it for you.Anyhow, I won't go into each and every particular problem we had rightnow, but I'll shortly say that what made most of our problems is thesetup we had for our VM, difference between development and productionenvironments, software(Pootle, Django, even Python) versions installed,and last, and certainly not the least, an obsolete Pootle hook we had inplace that we once used to convert TikiWiki langauge files to propergettext format. Once those were fixed, everything smoothly came into itsplace.So, as I already said, we should be covered for majority of stuff, and Ionly know about one single error that Verbatim shows currently, whichwe're working on, but if anything comes up that you want to share,please don't hesitate to do so.-- Milos DinicLocalization Liege | Mozilla CorporationM: +381.64.106.8936 | t: @dinicmilos
Add touch events.
dovrebbe essere "Adds touch events." alla terza persona, perché sta parlando delle funzioni di una libreria.