20 Febbraio 2025 00:51:34
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Today, we are releasing technical documentation of the proposed system and a developer preview prototype that allows you to install, manage and launch Web apps in any modern desktop or mobile browser (Firefox 3.6 and later, Firefox for mobile, Internet Explorer 8, Chrome 6, Safari 5, Opera 10 and WebKit mobile). This prototype provides a simple mechanism to support paid apps and authentication features to allow apps to log users in upon launch.
Questa è una tecnica davvero ingegnosa per costringervi a installare porcate via Firefox:http://bit.ly/dkOeKkanche se non credo l'abbiano localizzata
Have you ever had an idea to improve the user interface of your browser? Have you ever actually gone and tried to make that idea a reality? If you have, you would have probably used technologies like XUL and XPCOM. Much of the user interface (browser chrome) of Firefox is implemented in XUL, which uses a lot of Web-based technologies such as the DOM and JavaScript. Firefox is put together in a way that seasoned developers are able implement features with amazing efficiency, but at the same time, the browser interface in XUL represents a barrier for potential contributors. What if the parts of the browser that are most interesting to contributors were implemented in standard Web technologies such as HTML, CSS and JavaScript? What kinds of wild-eyed experimentation would we see if a new conception of browser UI could be prototyped in about the same time it takes to write a web page?
Da WinTricks.it:Scopre bug in Firefox e riceve 3.000 $
"Il browser della volpe ora è infatti davanti sia a Webkit che a Chrome. L’accoppiata Firefox TraceMonkey e JaegerMonkey è riuscita a fare meglio di Chrome nei test Sunspider di Webkit. In termini di numeri, Firefox ha segnato un ottimo 350.8ms, Chrome 356.5ms e Webkit 269.7ms."
Magari WebKit ha fatto 369.7, altrimenti c'era poco da gioire! Ciao, Giacomo.
Firefox 4 in pericoloso ritardo sui tempi di marciaScusate se esprimo un'opinione in punta di fioretto: ECCHISSENE....Personalmente preferisco un prodotto rifinito che uno "in orario"...