Sarebbe "Attiva notifiche e-mail per le modifiche all'articolo"?
Non capisco. Soprattutto seguendo questa procedura:
# Go to [/localization your localization dashboard].
# On the left side there is a text that says ''Email me when revisions are...''. Click on it.
# The menu presents you the following options:
#*'''Waiting for review:''' Anyone can submit articles. If you are a locale leader you should follow this category in your own language, so you can see when someone contributes to your locale.<br>
#*'''Approved:''' Once an article is approved it's visible to the public. Again, follow this in your own language if you are a locale leader.<br>
#*'''Ready for localization:''' Once an article is stable in the English version the editors will mark it as ready for localization. If you are a localizer you should follow these updates, so you will always be alerted of changes to the source (English) KB.
se faccio clic su quel link non compare nessun menu con le tre opzioni che invece sono presenti nel pulsante "Attiva notifiche..." della dashboard...