22 Dicembre 2024 19:20:17
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Ciao a tutti,ho installato lightning su thunderbird e volevo sapere se c'è un modo per far si che all'avvio di TH la pagina iniziale visualizzata non sia quella di benvenuto, bensì l'equivalente a premere "Go to Today".
ho anche trovato questo:http://www.mozilla.org/projects/calendar/faq.html#shortcutma non funziona, nemmeno mettendo lightning al posto di calendar.
How can I run Lightning on startup? thunderbird -mail -calendar See next for how to make the Thunderbird command into a short cut. How can I open the calendar without opening Thunderbird first? Create a desktop/quick launch icon as a link to the Thunderbird executable with the "-calendar" parameter. This should start Lightning directly. * On Windows, control-drag the Thunderbird shortcut icon to copy it, then right-click and choose Properties. Rename the copy to Lightning. In the Target input box of the Shortcut tab, put the -calendar command option after the quote, for example "C:\Program Files\Mozilla Thunderbird\thunderbird.exe" -calendar * On Mac OS:(assuming the application is Thunderbird and that it is installed in the /Applications directory) Open Script Editor (located in /Applications/AppleScript) In the top pane of the script editor window, type: do shell script "nohup /Applications/thunderbird.app/Contents/MacOS/thunderbird -calendar > /dev/null 2>&1 &" Select "Save As..." from the "File" menu Enter a meaningful name in the "Save As:" box, select "Application" as the "File Format:" and click save. Voila! an applescript has been created that starts Lightning. * On any OS command line, type the command option after the Thunderbird command, for example, thunderbird -calendar
quel che dice nella FAQ è per aprire lightning e non thunderbird oppure ho capito male io?