È da un po' di giorni che il mio Firefox mi rilascia diversi log in merito alle sincronizzazioni fallite. La cosa avviene su entrambi i PC che uso, macchina Windows e Slackware/Linux. Ieri ho rinominanto la cartella ".mozilla" e inziato tutto da capo, impostando l'account e attendendo la sincronizzazione che non è stata proprio rapida, ma che per fortuna è avvenuta facendomi riavere tutto al proprio posto, tranne qualcosa della cronologia che i problemi avuti fino ad oggi mi hanno impedito di salvare. Dalle 14:00 fino alle 23:00 pareva funzionare bene, queste mattina il problema si ripresenta. Secondo il report sul sito di Firefox Account loro non hanno problemi, ma qualcosa non funziona comunque. Di seguito uno dei log di errore. 1410339797375 Sync.Service INFO Loading Weave 1.35.0
1410339797376 Sync.Engine.Clients DEBUG Engine initialized
1410339797377 Sync.Engine.Clients DEBUG Resetting clients last sync time
1410339797381 Sync.Engine.Bookmarks DEBUG Engine initialized
1410339797383 Sync.Engine.Forms DEBUG Engine initialized
1410339797386 Sync.Engine.History DEBUG Engine initialized
1410339797389 Sync.Engine.Passwords DEBUG Engine initialized
1410339797391 Sync.Engine.Prefs DEBUG Engine initialized
1410339797393 Sync.Engine.Tabs DEBUG Engine initialized
1410339797394 Sync.Engine.Tabs DEBUG Resetting tabs last sync time
1410339797397 Sync.Engine.Addons DEBUG Engine initialized
1410339797398 Sync.Service INFO Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:33.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/33.0
1410339797401 Sync.SyncScheduler DEBUG Clearing sync triggers and the global score.
1410339797402 Sync.Status DEBUG Status.service: success.status_ok => success.status_ok
1410339797402 Sync.Service DEBUG Caching URLs under storage user base: https://sync-54-us-west-2.sync.services.mozilla.com/1.5/3208421/
1410339797402 Sync.Status DEBUG Status.service: success.status_ok => success.status_ok
1410339797403 Sync.AddonsReconciler INFO Registering as Add-on Manager listener.
1410339797403 Sync.AddonsReconciler DEBUG Adding change listener.
1410339797403 Sync.Tracker.History INFO Adding Places observer.
1410339797407 Sync.Status DEBUG Status.service: success.status_ok => success.status_ok
1410339797408 Sync.Engine.AdblockPlus DEBUG Engine initialized
1410339797409 Sync.Status DEBUG Status.service: success.status_ok => success.status_ok
1410339797412 FirefoxAccounts DEBUG got keyPair
1410339797413 FirefoxAccounts DEBUG getCertificateSigned: true true
1410339798102 Sync.SyncScheduler DEBUG Next sync in 90000 ms.
1410339798383 FirefoxAccounts DEBUG getCertificate got a new one: true
1410339798383 FirefoxAccounts DEBUG getAssertionFromCert
1410339798385 FirefoxAccounts DEBUG getAssertionFromCert returning signed: true
1410339798386 Sync.BrowserIDManager DEBUG Getting a token
1410339800554 Sync.BrowserIDManager DEBUG Successfully got a sync token
1410339800559 Sync.Tracker.History DEBUG Saving changed IDs to history
1410339800606 Sync.BulkKeyBundle INFO BulkKeyBundle being created for undefined
1410339800606 Sync.BrowserIDManager INFO Background fetch for key bundle done
1410339800606 Sync.Status DEBUG Status.login: success.login => success.login
1410339800606 Sync.Status DEBUG Status.service: success.status_ok => success.status_ok
1410339801443 Sync.Status DEBUG Status.service: success.status_ok => success.status_ok
1410339801443 Sync.SyncScheduler DEBUG Next sync in 86557 ms.
1410339801663 Sync.Tracker.History DEBUG Saving changed IDs to history
1410339807393 Sync.Tracker.History DEBUG Saving changed IDs to history
1410339809064 Sync.Tracker.History DEBUG Saving changed IDs to history
1410339811343 Sync.Tracker.History DEBUG Saving changed IDs to history
1410339814432 Sync.Tracker.History DEBUG Saving changed IDs to history
1410339816907 Sync.Tracker.History DEBUG Saving changed IDs to history
1410339877525 Sync.Tracker.History DEBUG Saving changed IDs to history
1410339879682 Sync.Tracker.History DEBUG Saving changed IDs to history
1410339881115 Sync.Tracker.History DEBUG Saving changed IDs to history
1410339888001 Sync.Service DEBUG User-Agent: Firefox/33.0 FxSync/
1410339888001 Sync.Service INFO Starting sync at 2014-09-10 11:04:48
1410339888001 Sync.Service DEBUG In sync: should login.
1410339888002 Sync.Status DEBUG Status.service: success.status_ok => success.status_ok
1410339888002 Sync.Status DEBUG Status.service: success.status_ok => success.status_ok
1410339888003 Sync.Service INFO Logging in the user.
1410339888003 Sync.Service DEBUG Caching URLs under storage user base: https://sync-54-us-west-2.sync.services.mozilla.com/1.5/3208421/
1410339888005 Sync.BrowserIDManager DEBUG _ensureValidToken already has one
1410339888867 Sync.Resource DEBUG mesg: GET success 200 https://sync-54-us-west-2.sync.services.mozilla.com/1.5/3208421/info/collections
1410339888867 Sync.Resource DEBUG GET success 200 https://sync-54-us-west-2.sync.services.mozilla.com/1.5/3208421/info/collections
1410339888868 Sync.Service DEBUG Fetching global metadata record
1410339888869 Sync.BrowserIDManager DEBUG _ensureValidToken already has one
1410339891390 Sync.Resource DEBUG mesg: GET success 200 https://sync-54-us-west-2.sync.services.mozilla.com/1.5/3208421/storage/meta/global
1410339891390 Sync.Resource DEBUG GET success 200 https://sync-54-us-west-2.sync.services.mozilla.com/1.5/3208421/storage/meta/global
1410339891391 Sync.Service DEBUG Clearing cached meta record. metaModified is undefined, setting to 1403605827.66
1410339891392 Sync.BrowserIDManager DEBUG _ensureValidToken already has one
1410339891650 Sync.Resource DEBUG mesg: GET success 200 https://sync-54-us-west-2.sync.services.mozilla.com/1.5/3208421/storage/meta/global
1410339891650 Sync.Resource DEBUG GET success 200 https://sync-54-us-west-2.sync.services.mozilla.com/1.5/3208421/storage/meta/global
1410339891650 Sync.Service DEBUG Weave Version: 1.35.0 Local Storage: 5 Remote Storage: 5
1410339891650 Sync.Service INFO Sync key is up-to-date: no need to upgrade.
1410339891651 Sync.Service DEBUG Fetching and verifying -- or generating -- symmetric keys.
1410339891651 Sync.Service INFO Testing info/collections: {"passwords":1410291657.49,"clients":1410338972.89,"crypto":1403591434.79,"forms":1410291639.46,"meta":1403605827.66,"bookmarks":1410337931.21,"addons":1410261549.39,"history":1410295844.38}
1410339891651 Sync.CollectionKeyManager INFO Testing for updateNeeded. Last modified: 0
1410339891652 Sync.Service INFO collection keys reports that a key update is needed.
1410339891652 Sync.BrowserIDManager DEBUG _ensureValidToken already has one
1410339891953 Sync.Resource DEBUG mesg: GET success 200 https://sync-54-us-west-2.sync.services.mozilla.com/1.5/3208421/storage/crypto/keys
1410339891953 Sync.Resource DEBUG GET success 200 https://sync-54-us-west-2.sync.services.mozilla.com/1.5/3208421/storage/crypto/keys
1410339891954 Sync.CollectionKeyManager INFO Updating collection keys...
1410339891955 Sync.CollectionKeyManager INFO Setting collection keys contents. Our last modified: 0, input modified: 1403591434.79.
1410339891955 Sync.BulkKeyBundle INFO BulkKeyBundle being created for [default]
1410339891956 Sync.CollectionKeyManager INFO Processing downloaded per-collection keys.
1410339891956 Sync.CollectionKeyManager INFO Clearing collection keys...
1410339891956 Sync.CollectionKeyManager INFO Saving downloaded keys.
1410339891956 Sync.CollectionKeyManager INFO Bumping last modified to 1403591434.79
1410339891956 Sync.CollectionKeyManager INFO Collection keys updated.
1410339891956 Sync.Status DEBUG Status.login: success.login => success.login
1410339891956 Sync.Status DEBUG Status.service: success.status_ok => success.status_ok
1410339891957 Sync.Status DEBUG Status.service: success.status_ok => success.status_ok
1410339891959 Sync.SyncScheduler DEBUG Clearing sync triggers and the global score.
1410339891960 Sync.Status INFO Resetting Status.
1410339891960 Sync.Status DEBUG Status.service: success.status_ok => success.status_ok
1410339891960 Sync.BrowserIDManager DEBUG _ensureValidToken already has one
1410339892213 Sync.Resource DEBUG mesg: GET success 200 https://sync-54-us-west-2.sync.services.mozilla.com/1.5/3208421/info/collections
1410339892213 Sync.Resource DEBUG GET success 200 https://sync-54-us-west-2.sync.services.mozilla.com/1.5/3208421/info/collections
1410339892215 Sync.Service DEBUG Fetching global metadata record
1410339892215 Sync.Service DEBUG Weave Version: 1.35.0 Local Storage: 5 Remote Storage: 5
1410339892216 Sync.Service INFO Sync key is up-to-date: no need to upgrade.
1410339892216 Sync.Service DEBUG Fetching and verifying -- or generating -- symmetric keys.
1410339892216 Sync.Service INFO Testing info/collections: {"passwords":1410291657.49,"clients":1410338972.89,"crypto":1403591434.79,"forms":1410291639.46,"meta":1403605827.66,"bookmarks":1410337931.21,"addons":1410261549.39,"history":1410295844.38}
1410339892216 Sync.CollectionKeyManager INFO Testing for updateNeeded. Last modified: 1403591434.79
1410339892216 Sync.Synchronizer DEBUG Refreshing client list.
1410339892216 Sync.Engine.Clients DEBUG First sync, uploading all items
1410339892217 Sync.Engine.Clients INFO 1 outgoing items pre-reconciliation
1410339892219 Sync.BrowserIDManager DEBUG _ensureValidToken already has one
1410339892482 Sync.Collection DEBUG mesg: GET success 200 https://sync-54-us-west-2.sync.services.mozilla.com/1.5/3208421/storage/clients?full=1
1410339892482 Sync.Collection DEBUG GET success 200 https://sync-54-us-west-2.sync.services.mozilla.com/1.5/3208421/storage/clients?full=1
1410339892482 Sync.Engine.Clients INFO Records: 5 applied, 5 successfully, 0 failed to apply, 0 newly failed to apply, 0 reconciled.
1410339892483 Sync.Engine.Clients INFO Uploading all of 1 records
1410339892484 Sync.BrowserIDManager DEBUG _ensureValidToken already has one
1410339892485 Sync.Collection DEBUG POST Length: 357
1410339893156 Sync.Collection DEBUG mesg: POST success 200 https://sync-54-us-west-2.sync.services.mozilla.com/1.5/3208421/storage/clients
1410339893156 Sync.Collection DEBUG POST success 200 https://sync-54-us-west-2.sync.services.mozilla.com/1.5/3208421/storage/clients
1410339893157 Sync.Synchronizer INFO Updating enabled engines: 5 clients.
1410339893160 Sync.Engine.Bookmarks INFO 0 outgoing items pre-reconciliation
1410339893165 Sync.BrowserIDManager DEBUG _ensureValidToken already has one
1410339893217 Sync.Tracker.Clients DEBUG Saving changed IDs to clients
1410339893648 Sync.Collection DEBUG mesg: GET success 200 https://sync-54-us-west-2.sync.services.mozilla.com/1.5/3208421/storage/bookmarks?newer=1410331432.62&full=1
1410339893648 Sync.Collection DEBUG GET success 200 https://sync-54-us-west-2.sync.services.mozilla.com/1.5/3208421/storage/bookmarks?newer=1410331432.62&full=1
1410339893649 Sync.Engine.Bookmarks INFO Records: 0 applied, 0 successfully, 0 failed to apply, 0 newly failed to apply, 0 reconciled.
1410339893655 Sync.Engine.Forms INFO 3 outgoing items pre-reconciliation
1410339893656 Sync.Engine.Forms INFO Records: 0 applied, 0 successfully, 0 failed to apply, 0 newly failed to apply, 0 reconciled.
1410339893699 Sync.Engine.Forms INFO Uploading all of 3 records
1410339893701 Sync.BrowserIDManager DEBUG _ensureValidToken already has one
1410339893702 Sync.Collection DEBUG POST Length: 869
1410339894063 Sync.Collection DEBUG mesg: POST fail 503 https://sync-54-us-west-2.sync.services.mozilla.com/1.5/3208421/storage/forms
1410339894063 Sync.Collection DEBUG POST fail 503 https://sync-54-us-west-2.sync.services.mozilla.com/1.5/3208421/storage/forms
1410339894063 Sync.Engine.Forms DEBUG Uploading records failed: <html>
<head><title>503 Service Unavailable</title></head>
<body bgcolor="white">
<center><h1>503 Service Cloudy: Try again later. </h1></center>
1410339894063 Sync.ErrorHandler DEBUG Got Retry-After: 3600
1410339894063 Sync.Status DEBUG Status.sync: success.sync => error.sync.reason.serverMaintenance
1410339894063 Sync.Status DEBUG Status.service: success.status_ok => error.sync.failed
1410339894064 Sync.SyncScheduler DEBUG Got backoff notification: 3600000ms
1410339894064 Sync.SyncScheduler DEBUG Fuzzed minimum next sync: 1410343494064
1410339894064 Sync.Status DEBUG Status for engine forms: error.engine.reason.record_upload_fail
1410339894064 Sync.Status DEBUG Status.service: error.sync.failed => error.sync.failed_partial
1410339894064 Sync.ErrorHandler DEBUG forms failed: <html>
<head><title>503 Service Unavailable</title></head>
<body bgcolor="white">
<center><h1>503 Service Cloudy: Try again later. </h1></center>
No traceback available
1410339894064 Sync.Synchronizer INFO Aborting sync for failure in forms
1410339894064 Sync.Synchronizer INFO Sync completed at 2014-09-10 11:04:54 after 2.10 secs.
1410339894066 Sync.Declined DEBUG Handling remote declined: ["prefs","tabs","adblockplus"]
1410339894066 Sync.Declined DEBUG Handling local declined: ["prefs","tabs","adblockplus"]
1410339894066 Sync.Declined DEBUG Declined changed? false
1410339894066 Sync.Service INFO No change to declined engines. Not reuploading meta/global.
1410339894067 Sync.SyncScheduler DEBUG Starting client-initiated backoff. Next sync in 4159212.204149344 ms.
1410339894067 Sync.SyncScheduler DEBUG Next sync in 4159212.204149344 ms.
1410339894067 Sync.ErrorHandler DEBUG Some engines did not sync correctly.
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