Oggi non riesco ad accedere a katamail con Thunderbird,dopo vari tentativi al login mi esce il messaggio
Sending of password did not succeed. Mail server pop.katamail.com responded: +
Ho provato da terminal con la variabile env NSPR_LOG_MODULES=pop3:5
e questo è quanto mi sembra pertinente al mancato login
1612375840[7f105df5f150]: ProcessAuth()
1612375840[7f105df5f150]: POP auth: server caps 0xA14AA, pref 0x1C00, failed 0x0, avail caps 0x1400
1612375840[7f105df5f150]: (GSSAPI = 0x100000, CRAM = 0x2000, APOP = 0x4000, NTLM = 0x8000, MSN = 0x10000, PLAIN = 0x1***, LOGIN = 0x8**, USER/PASS = 0x4**)
1612375840[7f105df5f150]: trying auth method 0x1***
1612375840[7f105df5f150]: POP username
1612375840[7f105df5f150]: POP3: Entering state: 5
1612375840[7f105df5f150]: OnPromptStart()
1612375840[7f105df5f150]: Entering NET_ProcessPop3 0
1612375840[7f105df5f150]: POP3: Entering state: 48
1612375840[7f105df5f150]: SendUsername()
1612375840[7f105df5f150]: SEND: AUTH PLAIN
1612375840[7f105df5f150]: Entering NET_ProcessPop3 4
1612375840[7f105df5f150]: POP3: Entering state: 3
1612375840[7f105df5f150]: RECV: +
1612375840[7f105df5f150]: POP3: Entering state: 31
1612375840[7f105df5f150]: NextAuthStep()
1612375840[7f105df5f150]: POP3: Entering state: 6
1612375840[7f105df5f150]: POP3: Entering state: 50
1612375840[7f105df5f150]: SendPassword()
1612375840[7f105df5f150]: PLAIN login
1612375840[7f105df5f150]: Logging suppressed for this command (it probably contained authentication information)
1612375840[7f105df5f150]: dropped connection before auth error
1612375840[7f105df5f150]: Entering NET_ProcessPop3 0
1612375840[7f105df5f150]: POP3: Entering state: 31
1612375840[7f105df5f150]: NextAuthStep()
1612375840[7f105df5f150]: command did not succeed
1612375840[7f105df5f150]: auth failure, setting password failed
1612375840[7f105df5f150]: ERROR: 4005
1612375840[7f105df5f150]: POP3: Entering state: 24
1612375840[7f105df5f150]: POP3: Entering state: 0
1612375840[7f105df5f150]: Entering NET_ProcessPop3 0
1612375840[7f105df5f150]: POP3: Entering state: 24
1612375840[7f105df5f150]: need to rerun url because connection dropped during auth
1612375840[7f105df5f150]: OnPromptStart()
1612375840[7f105df5f150]: POP: ask user what to do (after password failed): new password, retry or cancel
Quindi di che si tratta? Problema (si spera transitorio) lato server,o forse ho superato la quota di spazio disponibile per la mia casella free?
O qualcosa di peggio?