Salve, vi allego il testo di una email proveniente dall'indirizzo che parla di un nuovo upgrade di Firefox, e non ho capito se si tratta di una email di spam. Per sicurezza non sono andato ad aprire il link indicato. Mi date un parere?
Important notice
A Firefox software update is a quick download of small amounts of new code to your existing Firefox browser. These small patches can contain security fixes or other little changes to the browser to ensure that you are using the best version of Firefox available. Firefox is constantly evolving as our community finds ways to make it better, and as we adjust to the latest security threats. Keeping your Firefox up-to-date is the best way to make sure that you are using the smartest, fastest and . most importantly . safest version of Firefox available. A Firefox update will not make any changes to your bookmarks, saved passwords or other settings. However, there is a possibility that some of your Add-ons won.t be immediately compatible with new updates.
For security reasons please update your firefox version now