14 Marzo 2025 09:01:44
Notizie: lo sai che puoi installare Firefox anche su dispositivi Apple iPhone e iPad? Provalo subito!
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First off, timeline. Our schedule is far less compressed than for1.3, we're planning to release 1.4 on June 29th, with a final l10ncutoff at 9 PM PDT on the 27th. For those who are UTC-inclined,that's Monday, June 28, 2010 at 04:00:00 UTC. We will have finalbuilds that night or early Monday for final signoffs.
<!ENTITY setup.newAccountPrefs2.title.label "Browser Sync Preferences"><!ENTITY setup.newAccountPrefs2.title.label "Opzioni di sincronizzazione del browser"><!ENTITY syncComputerName.label "Computer Name:"><!ENTITY syncComputerName.label "Nome del computer:"><!ENTITY syncComputerName.accesskey "c"><!ENTITY syncComputerName.accesskey "c">
<!ENTITY syncSetup.label "Set Up &syncBrand.shortName.label;…"><!ENTITY syncSetup.label "Configurazione di &syncBrand.shortName.label;…">
client.name2 = %1$S's %2$S on %3$Sclient.name2 = %1$S's %2$S su %3$S
<!ENTITY username.label "Username"><!ENTITY username.label "Nome utente"><!ENTITY password.label "Password"><!ENTITY password.label "Password"><!ENTITY secretPhrase.label "Secret Phrase"><!ENTITY secretPhrase.label "Frase segreta"><!ENTITY deviceName.label "Device Name"><!ENTITY deviceName.label "Nome del dispositivo"><!ENTITY connect.label "Connect"><!ENTITY connect.label "Connetti"><!ENTITY disconnect.label "Disconnect"><!ENTITY disconnect.label "Disconnetti"><!ENTITY syncNow.label "Sync Now"><!ENTITY syncNow.label "Sincronizza">
Codice: [Seleziona]client.name2 = %1$S's %2$S on %3$Sclient.name2 = %1$S's %2$S su %3$S(spero di aver intuito dove va...)
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Ciao, ho visto che su AMO c'è la versione localizzata! Grazie a tutti!