Ok, mancano però le immagini. Underpass le fai tu?
Segnalo il problema del selettore a Vesper. Meglio nel forum "L10n" o in quello "Knowledge base articles"?
Il testo va bene?
Titolo: Article content, "for", and selectable version of Firefox.
Forgive me for the title…
I updated the Italian version of the [[Live Bookmarks - Subscribe to a web page for news and updates]] article.
The last revision of the article includes instructions and images {for not fx29} and {for fx29}.
My question: How can I verify if the Italian content {for not fx29} is correct if the Firefox's oldest version that I can select is the version 31?
I think it's absurd that a localizer must install a version of Firefox prior to version 29 (or other earlier versions) to be able to view content not selectable by the selector.
Please, consider this issue also for future edits of the KB articles...