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Autore Topic: ..plugins di firefox che spyboot rileva come pericolosi spyware..  (Letto 1569 volte)

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Offline p060477

  • Post: 1807
lanciando spyboot search n' destroy la scan mi dice che:
in c\programmi\mozilla\firefox\plugins ho 3 spy pericolosi:

e con questa descrizione analitica..:

Società: TouchStone Software
Prodotto: eSupport.FFBiosExt
Minaccia: PUPS

This software is an add-on for the Mozilla Firefox, it is capable of reading bios information and determine the appropiate update.

The stated functionality is given but the add-on is not uninstallable, it also installs a service which is also not uninstallable. The corresponding add-on for the Internet Explorer is uninstallable.

cosa mi sapete dire in merito..??
li devo eliminare??

Offline gialloporpora

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Re: ..plugins di firefox che spyboot rileva come pericolosi spyware..
« Risposta #1 il: 19 Gennaio 2008 02:10:53 »
Non è roba di Firefox comunque:

this is exactly what the detection is looking for. A Firefox Bios extension, that is installed when you use the service to look for Biosupdates on the eSupport website. Unfortunately there is no uninstall option while a service and the Firefox extension are installed.
The category for this detection is PUPS (Possibly Unpopular Software), if you want to keep it, please set it to ignore witin Spybot

viene rilevata solo perchè non dispone di uninstaller, ma non è pericolosa:

it is usually not dangerous just annoying since an uninstall option is not provided.
Driveragent is run by the same company as eSupport, Touchstone software. There is also a service installed which does not get listed within the Windows services management.
A software is supposed to be controllable by the user and that includes the ability to uninstall the software, since this is not met this software is detected as PUPS (Possibly Unpopular Software). This means that the software may be unwelcome by some users for instance when they want to uninstall it.
If you are pleased with driveragent, you should keep the plugin and exclude it from further searches by Spybot S&D.


« Ultima modifica: 19 Gennaio 2008 02:13:07 da gialloporpora »

Offline p060477

  • Post: 1807
Re: ..plugins di firefox che spyboot rileva come pericolosi spyware..
« Risposta #2 il: 21 Gennaio 2008 08:29:37 »
ciao gialloporpora!
mille grazie!
..essendo nella cartella plugins di firefox mi ero preoccupato..!!..

Offline Gioxx

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Re: ..plugins di firefox che spyboot rileva come pericolosi spyware..
« Risposta #3 il: 23 Gennaio 2008 01:03:20 »
Solo tu hai il PC che nasconde file sospetti nelle cartelle di Firefox. Hai mai pensato di farlo benedire da qualche sacerdote importante o portarlo a Lourdes nel tempo libero? Dico davvero, non puoi essere un caso isolato in tutta Italia :)

Offline p060477

  • Post: 1807
Re: ..plugins di firefox che spyboot rileva come pericolosi spyware..
« Risposta #4 il: 23 Gennaio 2008 12:02:08 »
..semmai ,eventualmente,sarei "il solo" a scriverlo qui..

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